That moment of change, that moment of change where every cell in a woman's body is transformed. Whatever happens, whether the baby is sick or healthy, happy or unhappy, lives or dies. Whatever happens, that woman will never again be just a woman, she will always be a mother........She is transformed.

Sunday, September 27, 2009
Hi, Crystal here, today has been a good day. Parker looks so much better, they increased his breast milk to 10cc every 3 hours, and so far he is tolerating his feedings. They also turned his vapotherm down to 4 liters, this is the machine they put him on after they removed the ventilator, it just provides continual airflow in case he needs it. He has been very awake and alert today, he just looks around like he's curious about what in the world has been done to him this week :) The only problem we had today is that he is still somewhat puffy from too much fluid. They gave him some lasix, which is to help him pee some of that off hopefully. He is still having some crying spells every so often, but seems to get happy again pretty quick. Dr. Papp seemed very positive so that made us feel better. He will continue on antibiotics for the next 2 weeks, the second blood culture and spinal fluid culture still has not shown any growth so that is good, that means that they are pretty sure the infection is gone, but he will remain on the antibiotics just to be sure there isn't some bacteria hiding somewhere in his body. I tell you, this week has been so so horrible, it is so wonderful to finally be hearing some good news. This week I have definately questioned my sanity. I told Landon that I felt crazy, like I just wanted to start screaming, and crash into another car like Kathy Bates in Fried Green Tomatoes.....and I meant it :) I am feeling much more sane now, but I really had about all I could stand. It is so hard seeing this little person you love so much go through all this horrible stuff. But yesterday when we got to go back and see him after they took the vent out, he looked like my sweet baby again, just laying there looking around, it was wonderful. Landon is probably going back to work on Thursday, granted Parker is still doing ok. So pray that I can make it without him, I rely on him soooo much. But also pray that Parker continues to do well, b/c we really need him to go back to work. Well we are about to go back for the 8pm visiting so I will go now, but I will update as things change. Thanks to everyone for all you have done, please keep praying for us.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
They took Parker off of the vent today. He looks so much better today. His color is much better and his swelling is down. He is resting good and when he is awake he seems more responsive to touch, sound and sight like he did before he got this infection. There has been no seizure activity for several days now. The skin breakdown on his neck is healing. The are slowly increasing his feedings. He is also gaining weight. Tonight he weighed in at 2lbs 15oz. He will continue to get antibiotics for a few more weeks. We want to thank all of you for your prayers and support. It's great to know we have so many friends and family willing to step up during times like these. This boy is going to make it and each of you are playing a bigger part than you may think. Landon R.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Today Parker is doing a little better, he is not so touchy today. Over the past few days he had started to have some fluid retention, he looked very puffy from the excess fluid. Today that looked a lot better. We had another small problem to occur, yesterday he started to get some skin breakdown under his chin, we aren't really sure why but it is being treated. He has still been dropping his heart rate, but they started him back on some medicine that is like an iv form of caffeine, so maybe that will help that. Today when we would talk to him, he didn't cry, that's a good thing b/c that's what he has been doing. There is technically no sound coming out b/c he is still on the ventilator but he still cries, you can tell. His weight has increased, but we aren't sure if it's because he's really gained or because of the excess fluid. They have started him back on breast milk but only a very small amount right now. Just enough to get his gut working again. They finally figured out what the infection specifically was, it's called streptococcus bovis, this doesn't mean much since they are already treating him with the right antibiotic for this infection. They tried another spinal tap today and were successful, so we will wait and see if that culture shows anymore infection. Hopefully it wont. The Dr. talked about possibly trying to take him off the ventilator tomorrow, we will see. This week has been very emotionally draining, sorry I havn't written on here more, but we are just so exhausted. Parker also had another head ultrasound, and it showed no change, so that is a good thing, the small bleeds are still small and haven't gotten any bigger. He looks better to me, that's a relief, but I'm scared to say anything positive b/c everytime I do, something happens. Just everyone please keep on praying for our sweet baby, he still needs lots and lots of them, and so do we. Thanks everyone for all you have done, it is greatly appreciated. Have a good night.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Not many changes today, Parker is still about the same. He did have a few more seizures today, and one was really bad where he dropped his heart rate and his oxygen saturation. He has been very very irritable and touchy today. Landon and I had to take turns just sitting there touching him, b/c every time we let go he would start crying and get all upset again. I would keep my hands on him until my arms started falling asleep and then Landon would take over until his fell asleep and so on and so on. He's in an incubator so we only have these small portal holes to put our hand in so it's difficult when you have your arm in there for an extended period of time. It's strange how he seems to know we are his parents, and how he wants us constantly touching him or he gets upset. It's so nice to able to do something for him though. It's hard for any mother I'm sure, but it's especially hard for me, b/c number one...I'm a nurse, and number two...I'm a control freak(yes I'll admit it), and I have absolutely no control over anything in this situation. I just have this overwhelming feeling to just "fix" him or "make it better", but I can't. And it's just so hard watching all of this and not being able to do anything about it. It's like being in a straight jacket!! But all I can do it pray, and boy have I been doing a lot of that. Parker also looked a little pale today, I presume he will probably need some more blood in the next day or so. Tomorrow they will be doing another head ultrasound and also a test called an EEG, it measures electrical activity in the brain, so they will know for sure if these "spells" he is having are seizures. Kathy(my mother in law) came back up here tonight, she is going to stay with us for a while. She just feels more worried and anxious at home so she decided just to come on back and stay. Landon will be soon going back to work so that is good b/c I'm not going to be able to ride out this storm by myself I'm afraid. She also helps to take care of things that we can't because we are in the nicu all day and half the night. We left the nicu early tonight. Rachel his primary nurse had him all comfortable and lights out when we got there, she wanted us to whisper and just let him rest, so we very much agreed and just left him be b/c he had had such a rough day, so we peeked in on him briefly, told him we loved him and came on back to just let him rest. He needs lots of rest right now so he can fight this stuff. They also found out for sure what infection it is, it is called Alpha Streptococcus, which doesn't mean much, they will continue to do what they are doing. Please keep on praying, we need lots and lots of it. Thanks everyone for all the emails, calls, texts, messages on facebook etc. I'm so sorry that I can't respond all the time. There are so many people contacting us and we so very much appreciate it, but I just can't physically respond to everyone. I do however read all of it, and it really does give us hope and encouragement and helps so much. So keep it coming, I just don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. But we do appreciate all everyone is doing. Well that is pretty much our day today. I'll update as I know more and have some time. Goodnight.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Hey Guys,
Oh gosh, where do I begin?? On Saturday this week, Landon and I woke up that morning and called the nicu to check on Parker like we do every morning before we get there. April, one of our favorite nurses on day shift had him that morning. She said oh he's doing wonderful, gave me a few more details and I ended the conversation telling her I would see her later on in the day because we had some friends coming to visit. Our friends Kane and Heather came to visit us right after that, we sat at the apartment and talked with them for a while, showed them some pictures of Parker and after a few hours they left on their way back home. After they left I called back to the nicu to ask April how much breast milk he had, and did I need to bring more. Also to tell her we would be there when they opened back up. Parker had still been having some trouble pooping and she said he was dropping his heart rate a lot and she thought he might just be bearing down to poop so she would give him a laxative and see if that helped. At this point she wasn't worried, so neither was I. At 1:30p.m. when they opened back up we were there waiting, we rang the door bell and told them we were the parents of Parker Daniel, we got a delayed response, and the lady that answered just told us to hang on a second. We had never been told that before and I knew immediately that something was wrong. About 3 minutes later(however it seemed like an eternity) she came to the door and asked us to wait in the chapel. I just went to pieces crying and asking her what was wrong with our baby, both Landon and I honestly thought they were going to come and tell us he had died. It was awful. She didn't know and just kept repeating over and over that she understood and that she would sent someone to talk to us, well I didn't want her to keep telling me that I wanted her to physically go right then and get someone to come and tell me why we were to wait in the chapel, so I told her to GO RIGHT NOW! to get someone to come talk to us. She went and soon Dr. Graham came to talk with us. At this point he wasn't just real concerned but said that in that last hour Parker had started to drop his heart rate and his oxygen saturation and his color was looking somewhat pale, so they were going to draw some blood and go from there. He then went off to see about Parker. April his nurse then came in there and gave me a big hug and apologized for asking the secretary to put us in the chapel, she said I know it scared you. It had just all happened so fast and she knew we were on our way and hadn't had time to call us, and so that's the only place she had to tell us to go at the time. We sat in that chapel forever, and then Dr. Graham came back and said he might have to put him back on the ventilator if he didn't stop dropping his heart rate, he said it appears to be either a viral infection or a bacterial infection and we don't really know yet. He left back out and said when they got through working with him we could go see him. During this time, Parker's little sweet neighbor Piper, well her mom Marnie, came and sat with us the whole time we were waiting and worrying, it was so nice to have someone who absolutely knows what we are going through being there for support. After about another hour the nurse came and told us we could come back to see him. When we walked back there to him, I just about started to vomit, literally, he looked so very bad, he was just laying there limp in Dr. Rojas' hands, he appeared to be asleep but the color of his skin was so white, gray and pale, I could see all the veins in his body, and he looked dead. Dr. Rojas told me I could touch him, so I briefly put my hands on his head and body, and told him how much I loved him and encouraged him to keep fighting. While all this was going on there were about 10 people in his room rushing all around and Dr. Rojas explained that they were putting him back on the ventilator to breathe for him, and that they were also going to put in a picc line(a heavy duty iv, that goes into the vein up close to the heart)b/c he was not circulating blood well and they couldn't get an iv. After this little bit of info, he said he is a very sick little boy, he was having to constantly prod at Parker by this time just to stimulate him to keep breathing and to keep his heart rate up. Then they made us step back out. We went back to the chapel and Landon thank God was still holding up very well b/c I just lost it. Due to my nursing background, one look at that poor little thing and I knew he was not well at all. Piper's mom came back in the chapel and sat and talked to us, it was great she did, b/c it helped to sort of take our mind off what was going on just a few rooms away. This time we sat in the chapel for about 2 hours, finally they came back and told us that we could come back again. We went back and there was our sweet baby, looking almost like the day he arrived. Back on the ventilator, and iv in his leg, the picc line in his arm, and he was just lifeless, and pale. It was horrible, we talked to him and talked to him, just telling him over and over how much we loved him and telling him to just keep fighting. The Dr. explained that he was in septic(infection in the bloodstream)shock and that it was very serious, and they were starting him on antibiotics. They also drew a blood culture that will hopefully let us know what kind infection we are dealing with so they can treat it properly. They think it's a bacteria called Group B Step, but are not for sure. After all of this happened, he was not profusing very good, this means his circulation was bad b/c when the body is stressed, it sends blood to the brain, and heart first b/c they are most important, so most of the rest of his body wasn't getting as much blood flow as it needed and his skin was all purple and white, he just looked so pitiful. Also apparently when you have an infection and you start on antibiotics as they start to break down the infection, they create toxins and for preemies being loaded with toxins in your body its bad. So the Dr. said the main thing was keeping him alive during this critical time that his body is trying to get rid of these toxins. Parker then had a spinal tap, and that has come back that he also has bacterial meningitis, this is infection in the fluid surrounding the brain, and in the spinal cord. Also the lining of the brain gets inflamed. So due to the meningitis, he then started having seizures. Yesterday he had a seizure about every 5 minutes for a while, they ordered a medicine to calm him down, and one for the seizures and it got somewhat better. They didn't completely stop until around 8:30 last night. Well today has been a better day, his color is better. When all of this began his white blood cell count, which is what fights off infection was only 1400, and he is suppose to have 10,000. Today they had went up to over 10,000. He is oxygenating better and hasn't been dropping his heart rate. The thing now is to just let these antibiotics run their course and get rid of all this mess. I'm scared to even say he's doing better today b/c every time we think he is doing good, something horrible happens. It's just so hard. When they tell you it is a roller coaster ride, it's really not just something they tell you, it is so so so true. On Saturday, I was just an emotional wreck and good for nothing and Landon held up and held it together. Yesterday, I was better and Landon had a really hard day. Today we are both doing a lot better, so I guess it's good we are taking turns. Seeing him laying there so pale and limp just tore me up, but yesterday those seizures really were getting the best of Landon, he would just stand at his bedside and hold his hands and his head and body during all of them and they were just tearing him up. It's been a really hard few days, Landon's mother and dad have been here with us, and my mom came and spent one night and it helped having them here but we need all your continued prayers and encouragement. Parker is doing better but is by no means out of the woods. All we can do is pray and think positive and have faith that he is going to get better and he is going to eventually come home with us. We love him so much and he just has to!!
Oh gosh, where do I begin?? On Saturday this week, Landon and I woke up that morning and called the nicu to check on Parker like we do every morning before we get there. April, one of our favorite nurses on day shift had him that morning. She said oh he's doing wonderful, gave me a few more details and I ended the conversation telling her I would see her later on in the day because we had some friends coming to visit. Our friends Kane and Heather came to visit us right after that, we sat at the apartment and talked with them for a while, showed them some pictures of Parker and after a few hours they left on their way back home. After they left I called back to the nicu to ask April how much breast milk he had, and did I need to bring more. Also to tell her we would be there when they opened back up. Parker had still been having some trouble pooping and she said he was dropping his heart rate a lot and she thought he might just be bearing down to poop so she would give him a laxative and see if that helped. At this point she wasn't worried, so neither was I. At 1:30p.m. when they opened back up we were there waiting, we rang the door bell and told them we were the parents of Parker Daniel, we got a delayed response, and the lady that answered just told us to hang on a second. We had never been told that before and I knew immediately that something was wrong. About 3 minutes later(however it seemed like an eternity) she came to the door and asked us to wait in the chapel. I just went to pieces crying and asking her what was wrong with our baby, both Landon and I honestly thought they were going to come and tell us he had died. It was awful. She didn't know and just kept repeating over and over that she understood and that she would sent someone to talk to us, well I didn't want her to keep telling me that I wanted her to physically go right then and get someone to come and tell me why we were to wait in the chapel, so I told her to GO RIGHT NOW! to get someone to come talk to us. She went and soon Dr. Graham came to talk with us. At this point he wasn't just real concerned but said that in that last hour Parker had started to drop his heart rate and his oxygen saturation and his color was looking somewhat pale, so they were going to draw some blood and go from there. He then went off to see about Parker. April his nurse then came in there and gave me a big hug and apologized for asking the secretary to put us in the chapel, she said I know it scared you. It had just all happened so fast and she knew we were on our way and hadn't had time to call us, and so that's the only place she had to tell us to go at the time. We sat in that chapel forever, and then Dr. Graham came back and said he might have to put him back on the ventilator if he didn't stop dropping his heart rate, he said it appears to be either a viral infection or a bacterial infection and we don't really know yet. He left back out and said when they got through working with him we could go see him. During this time, Parker's little sweet neighbor Piper, well her mom Marnie, came and sat with us the whole time we were waiting and worrying, it was so nice to have someone who absolutely knows what we are going through being there for support. After about another hour the nurse came and told us we could come back to see him. When we walked back there to him, I just about started to vomit, literally, he looked so very bad, he was just laying there limp in Dr. Rojas' hands, he appeared to be asleep but the color of his skin was so white, gray and pale, I could see all the veins in his body, and he looked dead. Dr. Rojas told me I could touch him, so I briefly put my hands on his head and body, and told him how much I loved him and encouraged him to keep fighting. While all this was going on there were about 10 people in his room rushing all around and Dr. Rojas explained that they were putting him back on the ventilator to breathe for him, and that they were also going to put in a picc line(a heavy duty iv, that goes into the vein up close to the heart)b/c he was not circulating blood well and they couldn't get an iv. After this little bit of info, he said he is a very sick little boy, he was having to constantly prod at Parker by this time just to stimulate him to keep breathing and to keep his heart rate up. Then they made us step back out. We went back to the chapel and Landon thank God was still holding up very well b/c I just lost it. Due to my nursing background, one look at that poor little thing and I knew he was not well at all. Piper's mom came back in the chapel and sat and talked to us, it was great she did, b/c it helped to sort of take our mind off what was going on just a few rooms away. This time we sat in the chapel for about 2 hours, finally they came back and told us that we could come back again. We went back and there was our sweet baby, looking almost like the day he arrived. Back on the ventilator, and iv in his leg, the picc line in his arm, and he was just lifeless, and pale. It was horrible, we talked to him and talked to him, just telling him over and over how much we loved him and telling him to just keep fighting. The Dr. explained that he was in septic(infection in the bloodstream)shock and that it was very serious, and they were starting him on antibiotics. They also drew a blood culture that will hopefully let us know what kind infection we are dealing with so they can treat it properly. They think it's a bacteria called Group B Step, but are not for sure. After all of this happened, he was not profusing very good, this means his circulation was bad b/c when the body is stressed, it sends blood to the brain, and heart first b/c they are most important, so most of the rest of his body wasn't getting as much blood flow as it needed and his skin was all purple and white, he just looked so pitiful. Also apparently when you have an infection and you start on antibiotics as they start to break down the infection, they create toxins and for preemies being loaded with toxins in your body its bad. So the Dr. said the main thing was keeping him alive during this critical time that his body is trying to get rid of these toxins. Parker then had a spinal tap, and that has come back that he also has bacterial meningitis, this is infection in the fluid surrounding the brain, and in the spinal cord. Also the lining of the brain gets inflamed. So due to the meningitis, he then started having seizures. Yesterday he had a seizure about every 5 minutes for a while, they ordered a medicine to calm him down, and one for the seizures and it got somewhat better. They didn't completely stop until around 8:30 last night. Well today has been a better day, his color is better. When all of this began his white blood cell count, which is what fights off infection was only 1400, and he is suppose to have 10,000. Today they had went up to over 10,000. He is oxygenating better and hasn't been dropping his heart rate. The thing now is to just let these antibiotics run their course and get rid of all this mess. I'm scared to even say he's doing better today b/c every time we think he is doing good, something horrible happens. It's just so hard. When they tell you it is a roller coaster ride, it's really not just something they tell you, it is so so so true. On Saturday, I was just an emotional wreck and good for nothing and Landon held up and held it together. Yesterday, I was better and Landon had a really hard day. Today we are both doing a lot better, so I guess it's good we are taking turns. Seeing him laying there so pale and limp just tore me up, but yesterday those seizures really were getting the best of Landon, he would just stand at his bedside and hold his hands and his head and body during all of them and they were just tearing him up. It's been a really hard few days, Landon's mother and dad have been here with us, and my mom came and spent one night and it helped having them here but we need all your continued prayers and encouragement. Parker is doing better but is by no means out of the woods. All we can do is pray and think positive and have faith that he is going to get better and he is going to eventually come home with us. We love him so much and he just has to!!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Another big setback, we had a really rough day yesterday and last night, Parker has some sort of infection, they don't know what kind yet, but he is a very sick little baby. This is by far the worst setback so far. He is back on the ventilator. I don't know what else to except pray, please continue to pray for Parker, and for Landon and I too. We are having a really hard time right now.
Thanks Everyone
Thanks Everyone
Friday, September 18, 2009
Hello All,
Another great day yesterday, Parker gained another ounce, he now weighs 2lb 5oz. He also moved into a new isollette last night too. It's a step in the right direction. This bed is similiar to the other one, only it does not have humidity. When we got there Lisa was getting him ready to move, he got a soap bath and then we helped her move him, this meant that we got to hold him, and I finally broke down and let Landon hold him too :) We took some pictures, and they are precious! His hair is getting to be so blonde. During all of the moving and stuff, I figured he would fuss, but he was just so layed back, and tolerated it so well. He was wide awake and looking all around. It was the most precious. I just kissed all over him!! Now that he is in the new bed, they have to get him out every night and weigh him in a big boy scale so we will get to hold him and kiss him every night hopefully, I can't wait! I asked Landon after we got him all settled, what he thought about holding him. And he said "I loved it, I miss him" it was so sweet. Once you get to start holding him, when you have to put him back you just miss him so much. Well we are about to head out to the nicu, hope we have another great day. Thanks everyone for the thoughts and prayers!
Another great day yesterday, Parker gained another ounce, he now weighs 2lb 5oz. He also moved into a new isollette last night too. It's a step in the right direction. This bed is similiar to the other one, only it does not have humidity. When we got there Lisa was getting him ready to move, he got a soap bath and then we helped her move him, this meant that we got to hold him, and I finally broke down and let Landon hold him too :) We took some pictures, and they are precious! His hair is getting to be so blonde. During all of the moving and stuff, I figured he would fuss, but he was just so layed back, and tolerated it so well. He was wide awake and looking all around. It was the most precious. I just kissed all over him!! Now that he is in the new bed, they have to get him out every night and weigh him in a big boy scale so we will get to hold him and kiss him every night hopefully, I can't wait! I asked Landon after we got him all settled, what he thought about holding him. And he said "I loved it, I miss him" it was so sweet. Once you get to start holding him, when you have to put him back you just miss him so much. Well we are about to head out to the nicu, hope we have another great day. Thanks everyone for the thoughts and prayers!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Hey Guys,
Crystal here, we have some good news, the blood cultures have officially been resulted and they showed no growth, which also means no infection. We have had several good days. They have started Parker back on feedings and all his iv's our out! He has also been turned down on 5 liters of air flow and he is back and forth between room-air and 2 or 3% of oxygen so that is great. Our only problem these past few days is his little tummy is still kinda swollen and he has had some trouble pooping, they gave him a little glycerin enema and now we are having some poop, not as much as we would like but we'll take what we can get. Parker also got a "Grammy Award" this is an award that they give to their babies when they reach 1000 grams of weight!! So YAY Parker!! He got that on Saturday. On Tuesday after we visited him and found him to still be having a great day, we decided to go home for the night and then get some errands done on Wednesday. We had to fix a dishwasher for our renter and I had to go get my license renewed. They had been expired since July, but I've been here and haven't been able to get back home. Landon will be going back to work on September 25th, I am going to miss him soooo very much, but we want to save some of his leave for when we get to bring Parker home. I am going to try to stay by myself here, but will probably end of getting scared at night and calling my mother in law :) I'm a big old baby when it comes to the night time. Yesterday when we got back from home, we walked into the NICU to find Parker eyes wide open looking around and stretching and poking his butt up in the air over and over, it was so funny. He looked like he felt very good. The nurse laughed when he stuck his butt in the air and she said that was the well baby sign. So I hope so much he is feeling better and getting better. We just need him to stay well and grow grow grow. I have another appt today with my blood doctor to get my blood work done to make sure my blood isn't too thin. I have been feeling kind of dizzy headed last night and today so we will see. Thanks everyone for all the prayers and concerns, we will keep you updated.
Crystal here, we have some good news, the blood cultures have officially been resulted and they showed no growth, which also means no infection. We have had several good days. They have started Parker back on feedings and all his iv's our out! He has also been turned down on 5 liters of air flow and he is back and forth between room-air and 2 or 3% of oxygen so that is great. Our only problem these past few days is his little tummy is still kinda swollen and he has had some trouble pooping, they gave him a little glycerin enema and now we are having some poop, not as much as we would like but we'll take what we can get. Parker also got a "Grammy Award" this is an award that they give to their babies when they reach 1000 grams of weight!! So YAY Parker!! He got that on Saturday. On Tuesday after we visited him and found him to still be having a great day, we decided to go home for the night and then get some errands done on Wednesday. We had to fix a dishwasher for our renter and I had to go get my license renewed. They had been expired since July, but I've been here and haven't been able to get back home. Landon will be going back to work on September 25th, I am going to miss him soooo very much, but we want to save some of his leave for when we get to bring Parker home. I am going to try to stay by myself here, but will probably end of getting scared at night and calling my mother in law :) I'm a big old baby when it comes to the night time. Yesterday when we got back from home, we walked into the NICU to find Parker eyes wide open looking around and stretching and poking his butt up in the air over and over, it was so funny. He looked like he felt very good. The nurse laughed when he stuck his butt in the air and she said that was the well baby sign. So I hope so much he is feeling better and getting better. We just need him to stay well and grow grow grow. I have another appt today with my blood doctor to get my blood work done to make sure my blood isn't too thin. I have been feeling kind of dizzy headed last night and today so we will see. Thanks everyone for all the prayers and concerns, we will keep you updated.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Landon here. Parker is still hanging in there although the past few days have been filled with a few set backs. Wednesday morning we were awakened by a call from the on shift neonatologist who informs us that Parker's condition had changed. The doctor said that they were having to increase his respiratory support settings because he is having more and more trouble breathing on his on. We got up and dressed asap and headed down to the NICU. At the unit the doctors told us that it seems he had lost the reserve air that we all retain in our lungs. Maybe we are asking too much of him to soon the doctor said and he just needs a little more help for a longer period of time to keep his lungs expanded. He also needed a blood transfusion, see red blood cells carry oxygen to all parts of the body, and preemie babies can not make their own, so they thought maybe this trouble breathing was due to the need for more red blood cells, so they started his first blood transfusion and said he would get another one 20 hours later. The day went on and he seemed to be getting worse at times. Wednesday night we left with him peacefully asleep and the monitors indicated that he was possibly starting to head back in the right direction. Thursday morning came with again another call from the on shift neonatologist. This time the news was much more troubling. The doctor indicated that Parker was showing signs that he has a severe intestinal tract infection and that his feeding were being stopped. She told us that in the early morning hours he started requiring more oxygen, and his stomach was swelled up. They did an abdominal x-ray which showed air in his tummy. This is apparently a sign of this infection they call NEC. She informed us that this was very serious, and instructed us not to look it up on the internet b/c it would "scare us to death". Well of course that's the first thing Crystal did, and the results were not good. We both were extremely upset and had a big cry and then rushed to the unit. It seemed like our baby was just getting worse and worse and we were so scared. They had started IVs on him and hooked up a vacuuming device to his feeding tube because he had a lot of gas that needed to be removed from his stomach. Blood work and cultures had been ordered as well as a antibiotics. His other blood transfusion was also started. His respiratory equipment was also turned up to assist him even more. We did get some encouraging news while we were there however, some of the blood work came back and as of then did not indicate that Parker's body was fighting an infection. So that was good news that maybe it was not this NEC. It seems like we are starting over again. He was resting good Thursday night when we left. Friday we awoke with no calls from the NICU. When we arrived they said he had a good night. The doctor told us that from the indications they have so fare it looks like he may not have the intestinal infection although it can not be ruled out until the cultures are back in a couple more days. He had a different opinion on the situation and felt that the whole stomach problem wasn't as dire as we were led to believe the morning before. He thinks the swelling of his stomach may be due to irritation from the blood transfusion or just gas. He said that his intestines may not be able to digest as much milk as they had been trying to give him so they will hopefully start him back on feeds tomorrow with smaller portions at this time. Tonight we left with his belly back to normal size and his monitors indicating progress. Continue to pray for Parker and us, and as soon as we know more we will let everyone know.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Hey Guys,
It's been a few days since I have updated, Friday was a seemingly uneventful day with Parker, but remember we like them :) However it was not uneventful with me and Landon. I had 2 appts with my doctors on Friday. The first was with my OBGYN and after that appt we went to get into the car to go to the second one and the car would not crank. Well those of you who know Landon know that he has this fascination or obsession as I like to call it with huge old cars, preferably Cadiallacs. Well we were in his hideous 95 Cadillac Sedan Deville and as we were trying to leave the parking lot the junker of a car somehow thought we were trying to steal it and the anti-theft system activated and would not let us start it. Well after trying to start it over and over we ended up having to call Landon's mom to come drive to Nashville and bring his tools, and the extra keys to try to fix it. Well in the meantime we had to walk from that doctor's office to my other doctor's office, then back to our apartment. It was not fun. Well Kathy finally got there and Landon fixed the car and all was well. Landon talked me into agreeing to going home on Saturday for one night and sleeping in our own bed, I reluctantly agreed. The nurses thought it would be good for us to just have a change of scenery, and we both are missing our bed, our dogs, and our house so very much. So we decided for Kathy to just spend the night and we would ride back home with her and then drive my car back to Nashville so I would have my car up here in case of car trouble again, also b/c Landon will be going back to work before too long and I will need my car anyway. On Saturday morning we got up and went to the nicu and they had turned Parker's liters down again, it was on 2 now. Well the Dr. had told us she wasn't going to do that again until like Monday since turning it to 3 was a rough day. Obviously she changed her mind. Well he did not do well on that at all. He started requiring more oxygen and then more and more. And then when I had just about decided that I was not going anywhere, especially 2 hours away back home, the Dr. decided that he just simply wasn't ready to be turned down more yet, and she turned him back up to 3. Once we seen that he was stable and doing well again, we started home. When we got to the house, we thought our dogs were going to die of excitement, I'm sure they were starting to think we were dead. They just ran and barked and jumped. It was a good reunion! It was also so nice to just be home. We left right out and went to a family cook-out at my Aunt and Uncles house and had a really good time spending time with them. Then we left there and went to our friends Jeff and Nicole's house to see them a while. It was good to see everyone. Then we got home about midnight, and had the best night of sleep we had had in forever. I didn't realize how much I missed my own was wonderful! Sunday morning, I called to check on my boy, and they assured me he was great, and to stop worrying. After that we were off to eat lunch at Landon's Mama Lucy's house, we had a huge lunch with all kinds of good veggies from the garden and a ham. It was soooo good. Then his other grandmother wanted to see us too, so we went to her house. She had crocheted us a blue baby blanket and got Parker an outfit, it was so sweet. Crocheted blankets are so sentimental, b/c Parker will get to enjoy that for a very long time. After we left from there we drove back to Nashville. I could not wait to see my baby. The day we left I just cried I was so nervous about leaving him. But going home was very good for the both of us. And I know he is in the very best of hands. Tonight when we went back to visit, they told us that he now weights 2lbs!!!! So we have hit a milestone, we are halfway there!!!! YAY! Parker!! We are so very thankful that he is doing good. God is good. Thanks everyone for the prayers, and please keep them coming, we still have a long way to go before going home.
It's been a few days since I have updated, Friday was a seemingly uneventful day with Parker, but remember we like them :) However it was not uneventful with me and Landon. I had 2 appts with my doctors on Friday. The first was with my OBGYN and after that appt we went to get into the car to go to the second one and the car would not crank. Well those of you who know Landon know that he has this fascination or obsession as I like to call it with huge old cars, preferably Cadiallacs. Well we were in his hideous 95 Cadillac Sedan Deville and as we were trying to leave the parking lot the junker of a car somehow thought we were trying to steal it and the anti-theft system activated and would not let us start it. Well after trying to start it over and over we ended up having to call Landon's mom to come drive to Nashville and bring his tools, and the extra keys to try to fix it. Well in the meantime we had to walk from that doctor's office to my other doctor's office, then back to our apartment. It was not fun. Well Kathy finally got there and Landon fixed the car and all was well. Landon talked me into agreeing to going home on Saturday for one night and sleeping in our own bed, I reluctantly agreed. The nurses thought it would be good for us to just have a change of scenery, and we both are missing our bed, our dogs, and our house so very much. So we decided for Kathy to just spend the night and we would ride back home with her and then drive my car back to Nashville so I would have my car up here in case of car trouble again, also b/c Landon will be going back to work before too long and I will need my car anyway. On Saturday morning we got up and went to the nicu and they had turned Parker's liters down again, it was on 2 now. Well the Dr. had told us she wasn't going to do that again until like Monday since turning it to 3 was a rough day. Obviously she changed her mind. Well he did not do well on that at all. He started requiring more oxygen and then more and more. And then when I had just about decided that I was not going anywhere, especially 2 hours away back home, the Dr. decided that he just simply wasn't ready to be turned down more yet, and she turned him back up to 3. Once we seen that he was stable and doing well again, we started home. When we got to the house, we thought our dogs were going to die of excitement, I'm sure they were starting to think we were dead. They just ran and barked and jumped. It was a good reunion! It was also so nice to just be home. We left right out and went to a family cook-out at my Aunt and Uncles house and had a really good time spending time with them. Then we left there and went to our friends Jeff and Nicole's house to see them a while. It was good to see everyone. Then we got home about midnight, and had the best night of sleep we had had in forever. I didn't realize how much I missed my own was wonderful! Sunday morning, I called to check on my boy, and they assured me he was great, and to stop worrying. After that we were off to eat lunch at Landon's Mama Lucy's house, we had a huge lunch with all kinds of good veggies from the garden and a ham. It was soooo good. Then his other grandmother wanted to see us too, so we went to her house. She had crocheted us a blue baby blanket and got Parker an outfit, it was so sweet. Crocheted blankets are so sentimental, b/c Parker will get to enjoy that for a very long time. After we left from there we drove back to Nashville. I could not wait to see my baby. The day we left I just cried I was so nervous about leaving him. But going home was very good for the both of us. And I know he is in the very best of hands. Tonight when we went back to visit, they told us that he now weights 2lbs!!!! So we have hit a milestone, we are halfway there!!!! YAY! Parker!! We are so very thankful that he is doing good. God is good. Thanks everyone for the prayers, and please keep them coming, we still have a long way to go before going home.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Hey Guys,
Yesterday was a stressful and somewhat rough day for Parker, but also a good one. B/c he is doing so well they decided to turn the liters per minute of air they are giving him down from 4 to 3, so after doing that they told us they might have to go up on his oxygen and that that was completely normal. Well right after they did that, he started having some problems, he started dropping his heart rate, he would most of the time bring it back up, but sometimes we would have to touch him or rub him to stimulate him to remind him to breathe. The nurses say this is do to less air they are giving him so they are asking him to do more than he is use to. So therefore it will be a little while for him to get use to it. His oxygen sat was also getting lower and they had to turn it up some. We sat by his bed all day yesterday and we didn't get back till real late, We are very very exhausted. But this morning he is doing much much better. He didn't drop his heart rate any last night and he is on less oxygen than when we left, I suppose he is starting to get a little use to the change, he made me such a nervous wreck yesterday, I hope he continues to do well throughout the day. I guess this is the roller coaster they kept telling us about. He is still tolerating his milk very well and has even gained more weight, he now weighs 1lb 12oz. So we are thankful for that. Other than yesterday, he has been doing great. So keep up the praying for him. And Landon and I. We really need and appreciate it. I will update soon.
Bye Bye!
Yesterday was a stressful and somewhat rough day for Parker, but also a good one. B/c he is doing so well they decided to turn the liters per minute of air they are giving him down from 4 to 3, so after doing that they told us they might have to go up on his oxygen and that that was completely normal. Well right after they did that, he started having some problems, he started dropping his heart rate, he would most of the time bring it back up, but sometimes we would have to touch him or rub him to stimulate him to remind him to breathe. The nurses say this is do to less air they are giving him so they are asking him to do more than he is use to. So therefore it will be a little while for him to get use to it. His oxygen sat was also getting lower and they had to turn it up some. We sat by his bed all day yesterday and we didn't get back till real late, We are very very exhausted. But this morning he is doing much much better. He didn't drop his heart rate any last night and he is on less oxygen than when we left, I suppose he is starting to get a little use to the change, he made me such a nervous wreck yesterday, I hope he continues to do well throughout the day. I guess this is the roller coaster they kept telling us about. He is still tolerating his milk very well and has even gained more weight, he now weighs 1lb 12oz. So we are thankful for that. Other than yesterday, he has been doing great. So keep up the praying for him. And Landon and I. We really need and appreciate it. I will update soon.
Bye Bye!
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