Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hey Guys,
Crystal here, we have some good news, the blood cultures have officially been resulted and they showed no growth, which also means no infection. We have had several good days. They have started Parker back on feedings and all his iv's our out! He has also been turned down on 5 liters of air flow and he is back and forth between room-air and 2 or 3% of oxygen so that is great. Our only problem these past few days is his little tummy is still kinda swollen and he has had some trouble pooping, they gave him a little glycerin enema and now we are having some poop, not as much as we would like but we'll take what we can get. Parker also got a "Grammy Award" this is an award that they give to their babies when they reach 1000 grams of weight!! So YAY Parker!! He got that on Saturday. On Tuesday after we visited him and found him to still be having a great day, we decided to go home for the night and then get some errands done on Wednesday. We had to fix a dishwasher for our renter and I had to go get my license renewed. They had been expired since July, but I've been here and haven't been able to get back home. Landon will be going back to work on September 25th, I am going to miss him soooo very much, but we want to save some of his leave for when we get to bring Parker home. I am going to try to stay by myself here, but will probably end of getting scared at night and calling my mother in law :) I'm a big old baby when it comes to the night time. Yesterday when we got back from home, we walked into the NICU to find Parker eyes wide open looking around and stretching and poking his butt up in the air over and over, it was so funny. He looked like he felt very good. The nurse laughed when he stuck his butt in the air and she said that was the well baby sign. So I hope so much he is feeling better and getting better. We just need him to stay well and grow grow grow. I have another appt today with my blood doctor to get my blood work done to make sure my blood isn't too thin. I have been feeling kind of dizzy headed last night and today so we will see. Thanks everyone for all the prayers and concerns, we will keep you updated.

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