Hi Guys,
What a wonderful few days we have had. Parker is doing very well, other than the dilated ventricles, he doesn't have anything going on right now, and we will have another head ultrasound on Tuesday to keep a check on that. On Thursday, his picc line stopped working and so they had to take it out and start another iv in his head to finish his antibiotics. They gave his last dose of antibiotics this morning and then took that iv out. So now he is free of any iv's, and not getting any more medicine except for the caffeine and vitamins that all preemies get. He has also gotten his weight to 1540 grams, that is 3lb 61/2oz, and after 1500grams, they can regulate their own temperature so he got to have his skin temp probe removed. That also means he can start wearing clothes!! He looks so precious in his little clothes! Kathy came up on Thursday evening to stay a couple of nights with me. Yesterday we went to the Baby Depot and just went crazy buying stuff for him. We had so much fun. Also in the past week he has started drinking out of a bottle some. They start him out on just one a day, the gradually go from there, he is taking 2 at the moment and doing great, so tomorrow they may try 3. He now wakes up on his own every 21/2-3 hours hungry and wants to suck. He has the urge, but just doesn't have the strength yet to suck a bottle every time. It really wears him out, when I'm giving him a bottle, he gets down to about 10cc of milk and he starts getting this glazed over look in his eyes, then falls asleep shortly thereafter. It just makes him exhausted. But feeding him is the most rewarding feeling ever. He just stared up at me with those big eyes and my heart just melts. I love him more than I can even describe. He is a lot more alert and loves to be talked to. After I feed him, I just sit and talk to him for a while, then we snuggle up together. He's so precious. Well that is about all that is new with us. Please keep on praying that things continue to go as they are. We definitely still need lots of prayers. I will update again soon. Thanks everyone.
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