August 1, 2009
Well it's Saturday, day 3 in the hospital, last night was very restless, they hooked me up to the baby monitors so they could monitor the babies heart rate, it started to drop a little only for about 8 seconds, however, it seemed like an eternity to me sitting here listening to it, after that it went back up and that didn't happen anymore, they monitor the baby every shift for 20 minutes but last night after that happened the nurse decided to call the Dr. and talk it over with him.....he decided for her to leave me hooked up all night so when he arrived this morning he could look at how the baby did all night....When he came in this morning he said that he thought the baby had just sat down on his cord temporarily or possibly was squeezing it in his hand and said that was actually quite normal and was not concerned at all.....the results of my 24 hour urine test came back and it showed me to have protein in my urine, which is another side effect of the high blood pressure so they have decided to repeat another one starting on Sunday for today there is nothing on the agenda but resting, it's 10am and everyone has been in and say i look good and so im gonna just lay here and try to do some reading and resting........I will post more as we know something more.....Please keep praying for us
Love you all!!
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