Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Update on Baby Parker

This is Emily and I just talked to Crystal and she asked me to give everyone a little update....

If you don't already know, Crystal and Landon welcomed their sweet baby boy Landon Parker Daniel into the world on August 17, 2009. He weighed 1 lb and 8 oz. He was 13 1/2 inches long. He was put on a ventilator right after he was delivered and he still needs that assistance.
As for today, Parker had an episode with his breathing. For all of you nurses....he was retaining a lot of C02. They swapped him over to another type of ventilator that is helping him to breathe better. After they placed him on the new ventilator, his C02 came down enough to make the neonatologist happy. They are checking his levels every hour and making adjustments accordingly. They also did a brain scan to check for bleeds on his brain which are very common in premature babies. Little Parker has two small bleeds, but they are of no concern at this point. The doctor said that they are very small and that they should be reabsorbed by his body. They will repeat the scans in a couple of days. The doctors are predicting that he will stay in the NICU for 2-3 months. He can go home when he reaches 4 pounds. She told me to tell everyone thanks for the prayers and to keep them coming. Hopefully she will be able to get on here soon and give a better update. As for her.....she said that today is the worst day as far as her pain goes. I know that she is not worried about herself as much as she is about that precious little boy, but keep her in your thoughts and prayers too. And don't forget about Daddy Landon!!

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