Thursday, September 3, 2009

Hey Guys,
Yesterday was a stressful and somewhat rough day for Parker, but also a good one. B/c he is doing so well they decided to turn the liters per minute of air they are giving him down from 4 to 3, so after doing that they told us they might have to go up on his oxygen and that that was completely normal. Well right after they did that, he started having some problems, he started dropping his heart rate, he would most of the time bring it back up, but sometimes we would have to touch him or rub him to stimulate him to remind him to breathe. The nurses say this is do to less air they are giving him so they are asking him to do more than he is use to. So therefore it will be a little while for him to get use to it. His oxygen sat was also getting lower and they had to turn it up some. We sat by his bed all day yesterday and we didn't get back till real late, We are very very exhausted. But this morning he is doing much much better. He didn't drop his heart rate any last night and he is on less oxygen than when we left, I suppose he is starting to get a little use to the change, he made me such a nervous wreck yesterday, I hope he continues to do well throughout the day. I guess this is the roller coaster they kept telling us about. He is still tolerating his milk very well and has even gained more weight, he now weighs 1lb 12oz. So we are thankful for that. Other than yesterday, he has been doing great. So keep up the praying for him. And Landon and I. We really need and appreciate it. I will update soon.
Bye Bye!

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